This New Year

This New Year

With the New Year approaching, I like to get wellness perspective.  How is your physical health?

Are you breathing deeply?  Are you drinking plenty of water?  What are you doing for exercise?  How is your diet/weight?  How many hours of sleep are you getting a night?

Are you a positive thinker?  What is the quality of information and entertainment you allow into your mind?  Are you open to new ideas, experiences and skills?  Are you a reader/lifetime learner?

Do you like your job?  Are you living within your means?  Paying down your debt?  Properly insured?  Planning for retirement?  Giving to those in need?

Do you have good long-term relationships?  How do you get along with your family?  Co-workers?  Do you spend quality time with your loved ones and friends?  How much time do you spend social networking?  Face to face with people?

Do you have a sense of your place in the universe/inner peace?  Do you believe in a higher power?  Do you regularly meditate, pray or worship?

I am truly grateful for my physical health.  When the weather is good I love to ride my bike on the Monon Trail.  From my home/office next to Broad Ripple Park I can pick up the Trail and go north or south to my heart’s content.  I love to dance and hope to do more of it in 2013.  The Glendale LA Fitness gym is very close.  I work out with a trainer.  Of course, my daily yoga practice is essential.

Perhaps I was born to think positively.  Meditation helps a lot.

I am engaged to Michael Fischer.  We bought a house together 5 years ago.  I am blessed with dear friends.  My family is very important to me.

I could not have chosen a better career.  Chiropractic and CranioSacral Therapy allow me to practice compassion every day.

I wish you all the very best for 2013!

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